A.S.I.A. - Asia Sourcing International Associates
Objectives | Solution | Methodology | Offer | FAQ


ASIA leads all operational tasks until delivery to your site.

1. Client contact Meeting on your site with ASIA experts 0
2. Products Identification of most appropriate products:
quantities, share of labour costs in total cost structure, transportation, recurrence, visibility of supply needs…
3. Sourcing Choice of most appropriate manufacturing plant: ASIA supplier base + new suppliers, sending full book of specifications + samples, comparison of suppliers offers, auditing, pre qualification… 3
4. ASIA offer ASIA sends to its client a complete offer: prices, specifications, packing/loading, production and delivery schedules, payment conditions… 4
5. Set up tuning Interface manufacturing plant / client whilst product manufacturing :
Initial Samples, homologation/certification, materials equivalences, tooling, production, control plan, tests/ laboratory controls, packing, container loading…
6. Samples ASIA sends by air or sea sample parts to its client for validation before mass production 8
7. Production Mass production according to client needs : Conformity of products with validated samples 12
8. Quality controls Controls during production / inspection before shipment : Dimensions, material, aspect, packing, quality reports… 13
9. Supply chain Delivery time management : sea and land transportation, customs clearance, stocking, dispatching... 17
*according to product complexity and client requirements